
Exploring Christianity and our Mission and Values
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Explore course


Date: Explore takes place over five Wednesdays – 1st-29th November,

Time: 6-8PM

Cost: Free, please let us know you’re coming so we can cater for you. 

Location: Good Shepherd Anglican Church, Curtin


We recognise that Christian belief is hard and that life turns in unexpected ways. We acknowledge that the church hasn’t had the best track record in commending Jesus.

The Explore course welcomes believers and strangers to process their doubts and existing beliefs in a safe and comfortable environment. We would love for you to know Jesus and the surprising life he offers.

Explore is a series of five sessions to introduce you to Jesus Christ, who Time magazine once referred to as “the most persistent symbol of purity, selflessness and love in the history of humanity.”

You can expect the following format in each session.


We start with an informal time to talk, relax and get to know each other over dinner. There will be a small conversation starter to get you thinking about the main idea for the night.


The Explore films unpack something significant about Jesus. You will be introduced to a small portion of Mark’s gospel (the Bible) where you can see first-hand Jesus’ life, actions and teaching.


A key part to the night: the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas on the topic, and to discuss in small groups. There’s no obligation to say anything. Listening is fine too.

Session Overview

Here is an overview of the five sessions:

What have you heard that grabs your attention & inspires your trust?

Jesus is good news for people.

Is there an identity that doesn’t crush or exclude?

The identity of Jesus brings surprising inclusion. He blends power and goodness like no other.

What is wrong with us and our world?

Jesus has a powerful diagnosis and cure.

Is there an answer for our inevitable death?

Jesus provides a guaranteed victory over the grief and uncertainty that death brings.

Are ‘strings always attached’ to the things we find precious?

Jesus gives new life freely without need to earn and prove ourselves. Find out why grace trumps justice.

Mission and values

We are an Anglican church with a mission to help all people know, love and live for Jesus. For more details please use the link below.