
Life as a member of Good Shepherd

Belong Events

For those who are new we have regular events to be reminded of the message of Jesus, to meet staff, hear our vision, and ask your questions.  It’s an opportunity for you to consider what it means to belong to the Good Shepherd.

Look out for dates for early 2025

Pastoral Care

Belonging means loving others and being loved.  Please make contact if you want to talk.   If you want to serve on a pastoral care team please head to our serve page.

Social Activities

We have regular social activities throughout the month to allow us to connect more with each other, including dinners, picnics, walks and the like.  Check out our facebook page and the Events page.


You can give by:

Direct deposit to Curtin Congregations:
BSB: 702 389  A/c: 0520 1277
Name: Good Shepherd

Direct deposit to Deakin Congregation:
BSB: 702 389  A/c: 0521 0082
Name: Deakin Church Plant

Tap’n’go facility at church

Cash box at church

For more details about giving please click on the link below